How to Tell If Your Greening Out: When the Kale Starts Talking Back

How to Tell If Your Greening Out: When the Kale Starts Talking Back

Greening out, a term often associated with overindulgence in cannabis, can also metaphorically describe the overwhelming sensation of being consumed by eco-consciousness. But how do you know if you’re truly greening out, or if you’re just really into composting? Let’s dive into the verdant depths of this phenomenon.

1. The Kale Effect: When your kale starts whispering sweet nothings to you, it’s a clear sign. You might be greening out if you find yourself having deep, philosophical conversations with your leafy greens. “What is the meaning of chlorophyll?” you might ponder, as your kale nods in agreement.

2. The Compost Conundrum: If you’re spending more time with your compost pile than with your friends, you might be greening out. The compost pile becomes your confidant, your therapist, and your best friend. You start to see the beauty in decomposition, and you might even start naming your worms.

3. The Reusable Bag Obsession: When you have more reusable bags than you have items to put in them, it’s a sign. You might be greening out if you find yourself hoarding reusable bags like they’re going out of style. “But what if I need to carry a single carrot?” you think, as you add another bag to your collection.

4. The Solar Panel Dream: If you’re dreaming about solar panels and wind turbines, you might be greening out. Your dreams are filled with visions of a sustainable future, where every roof is adorned with solar panels, and every breeze turns a turbine. You wake up with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to convert your entire neighborhood to renewable energy.

5. The Water Bottle Collection: When your water bottle collection rivals that of a small country, it’s a sign. You might be greening out if you have a water bottle for every occasion, every mood, and every outfit. “This one is for yoga, this one is for hiking, and this one is for… well, just in case,” you say, as you add another bottle to your shelf.

6. The Plant-Based Diet Debate: If you find yourself passionately debating the merits of a plant-based diet with anyone who will listen, you might be greening out. You can recite the environmental impact of beef production by heart, and you’re always ready to convert a carnivore to the green side.

7. The Thrift Store Addiction: When thrift stores become your second home, it’s a sign. You might be greening out if you can’t pass a thrift store without going in, just to see what treasures you might find. “It’s not just shopping, it’s saving the planet,” you tell yourself, as you leave with another armful of second-hand goods.

8. The Public Transport Evangelist: If you’re constantly preaching the gospel of public transport, you might be greening out. You know the bus schedule by heart, and you’re always ready to extol the virtues of reducing your carbon footprint by leaving the car at home.

9. The Zero-Waste Zealot: When you start carrying your own utensils, straws, and containers everywhere you go, it’s a sign. You might be greening out if you’re on a mission to produce zero waste, and you’re not afraid to challenge anyone who dares to use a plastic straw in your presence.

10. The Nature Bathing Enthusiast: If you find yourself spending hours in nature, just soaking it all in, you might be greening out. You’re not just taking a walk in the park; you’re communing with the earth, feeling the grass beneath your feet, and listening to the whispers of the trees.


Q: What does it mean to green out? A: Greening out can refer to the overwhelming sensation of being consumed by eco-consciousness, often leading to extreme behaviors and thoughts related to sustainability and environmentalism.

Q: Is greening out a bad thing? A: Not necessarily. While it can lead to obsessive behaviors, it also reflects a deep commitment to environmental causes. The key is to find a balance that allows you to be eco-conscious without becoming overwhelmed.

Q: How can I tell if I’m greening out? A: Look for signs like having deep conversations with your kale, hoarding reusable bags, or dreaming about solar panels. If these behaviors resonate with you, you might be greening out.

Q: Can greening out be cured? A: There’s no cure for greening out, as it’s more of a mindset than a condition. However, finding a balance and setting realistic goals can help manage the intensity of your eco-consciousness.

Q: What should I do if I think I’m greening out? A: Embrace it! Use your passion for the environment to make positive changes in your life and community. Just remember to take breaks and enjoy the journey without becoming too overwhelmed.